Trust-listing in SpamTitan

Note: If you are on a SaaS platform or a public server then you do not need to take any further action.

The instructions listed below are for those running SpamTitan on a private server only.

Trust-listing is an essential requirement for the successful implementation and usage of the CyberRiskAware Platform. All Cyber Risk Aware clients MUST trust-list our mail server(s) to allow the successful delivery of Mock Phishing and Training emails. This is a requirement for all mail service providers.

Trust-listing in SpamTitan is achieved by adding the Cyber Risk Aware IPs and domains.

Applying the following rules should allow Cyber Risk Aware’s simulated phishing emails to arrive in the target inboxes. Emails containing attachments should also be catered for based on these policies.


Trust-listing by IP:

  1. Navigate to System Setup.

  2. Click Mail Relay.

  3. Select IP Controls.

  4. Enter the following IP's into Whitelisted IP's:

Trust-listing by Domains:

This process may be more time consuming.

  1. Navigate to Filter Rules.

  2. Select Global Whitelist.

  3. From here you will click Add and enter the domain(s) .

  4. Click Save.

Note - you can also import the domains from a text file as follows. 

  • Create a text file (e.g. domains.txt), with each domain (listed below) on a separate line where there is an '@' symbol before the domain name: e.g.

  • Then simply import the text file into SpamTitan.

Domains to Trust-List: