Uploading a Policy Document

This can be done under the Training Manger > Training Upload menu on the left hand side of the dashboard screen.

You also have the ability to view your Upload Progress & History.


Step 1 - Select the type of file and conversion

From the drop down menu select Word Document for Policy Conversion.

Step 2 - Select the policy Category

From the drop down menu select the category best suited to the policy e.g, Email security.

Step 3 - Adding Additional Information

Here you can add any further information for the policy e.g. Description / use.

Step 4 - Selecting the file for upload

Here you can drag and drop the file you wish to upload or browse PC by clicking 'Select file'

Once you have selected or dropped:

   - Click the Pencil to Edit the file name

   - Click Cancel to remove the file

Note: Once you have the file Selected click 'Upload'

Your document will automatically be uploaded to the Training Manager >Training Messages section within minutes.

Step 5 - Editing the policy once uploaded

After uploading a file you can make further changes, go to Training Manager > Training Messages

To the right of the selected policy, please click on the green edit button.

Click on the blue cross next to Categories to bring up the available categories.

By clicking the circles to the left of the categories you will be able to select all that apply

Select the category (categories) you require and click save and then save message.

Note: If there is not a suitable category, you can create one under Training Manager – Categories – Create Category.

Your policy document will now show all categories assigned to it in the training message screen and will now be available for selection as a policy training campaign.

Creating a Policy Training Campaign

Go to Training Manager > Training Campaign

Select Create New Training Campaign

Choose Policy Training


Select a training topic (category) that you have assigned your policy document to.  

Note: Please be advised, only topics (categories), with assigned policy documents will be displayed here so please do not be alarmed that some topics will have nothing under the drop down menus. They will be populated under the other training and quiz campaign wizards. 

Click Continue. On the next screen you can edit the final details of your campaign.

Here you can also have the end user acknowledge that they have read the campaign content by selecting Require Acknowledgement.

Once you have updated all your required forms on this screen, click to Save your campaign.

If you have any queries or require assistance on this, please email [email protected]..